Hi, my name is Alicia Santiago.
I am a full stack developer with a passion for learning and creative solutions. I have experience building applications with Rails, React + JavaScript, and I'm currently exploring GatsbyJS, Node.js + GraphQL. My background is in higher education instruction and counseling, and those skills have undoubtedly shaped my approach to problem solving. The best solutions stem from curious thinkers, but curiosity is a precious resource that needs to be intentionally cultivated. Working as a developer challenges me to stay curious and feeds my need to learn—what could be better than that?
Please check out my work and reach out if you'd like to collaborate (or hire me). I'm always looking to connect with like-minded devs!
Trivia App
A general knowledge trivia game developed with a React frontend and a Rails API backend, using an MVC structure and serializers for front-end JSON data. Applied Redux to maintain global state and Thunk middleware to allow async logic.
- GitHub
A SPA that allows user to keep track of personal records, past performances, and past/upcoming races. Built with a JavaScript, HTML and CSS frontend and a Rails API backend. User authentication established using OmniAuth via Github and directly within the application using the Devise gem.
- GitHub
A review site for users to rate and recommend local restaurants. A CMS application created using Sinatra with a CRUD, MVC structure and ActiveRecord. Basic user authentication established using built-in Rails method and BCrypt gem.
- RubyGems
Tap Rated New Beers
A RubyGem that accesses BeerAdvocate's Top Rated New Beers list from the comfort of your command line. Explore each beer's score, style, ABV, and more, and view additional information on the brewery directly in your browser. Version 0.4.0 released.
The Gifted & Purposed Alliance, Inc.
Website for GPA, Inc., a nonprofit organization for young people gifted in the arts.
Pure Moves
A website that provides practical healing methods and resources.
Published in The Startup:
Published in Medium:Contact